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TWiRT 92 - Donna Halper

In this episode we talk about programming, promotions and some positive reports about radio listening with Donna Halper.

Hosts: Kirk HarnackChris Tarr and Chris Tobin

Guest: Donna Halper

TWiRT is brought to you by Axia and the new iQ and Radius IP Audio consoles.


TWiRT 92 - Donna Halper

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Reader Comments (1)

It's great that TWIT has moved to the great new brick building. I am fascinated in how they have done it technically and what were the lessons learned with the audio challenges a few weeks back.

I hope they rethink the navigation on this website. I feel certain that your netcast is working, but that's not match by the conversation here. May be it is happening elsewhere?

The interview with Donna was terrific. She really understand the medium like no other, but also has the business sense which a lot of broadcasters miss. That's often because they are focussed on performing infront of the mike, rather than engaging with the audience.

Will you guys be covering the IBC in Amsterdam? Would be happy to brief you on what I see if you think its relevant. done some radio related videos which might be of interest, all in the public domain. and for instance.

August 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan Marks
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