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TWiRT 74 - EAS and More Hame

Some healthy debate over EAS tests, including the proposed national EAS test.  Plus, Tom tunes in the world - or part of it - on his Ham club's new kit-built transceiver.

Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Worldwide Sales, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley BroadcastingWOR, New YorkW2TRR
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info

TWiRT is sponsored by Telos, home of the new Hx1 and Hx2 digital telephone hybrids for POTS lines.

Links from the show...

Small Wonder Labs - Retro 75 transceiver kit

First National EAS Test


Download the show here...

TWiRT 74 - EAS and More Ham

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