TWiRT 369 - AES & NAB 2017 from New York
Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 5:43PM

The AES and NAB fall shows combine to provide several days of seminars, special events, and equipment demonstrations in New York. Chris and Kirk interview technology leaders and find out what’s hot now and in the future. Special thanks to David Bialik and Andrew Zarian helping make TWiRT possible this week.

Show links:
Audio Engineering Society (AES)
AES Panel - Evolving Best Practices for Studio Construction and Remodeling
Why is High Dynamic Range (HDR) All the Buzz These Days?
Samson Go Mic Mobile

Gary Kline - Kline Consulting Group
John Humphrey - Hitachi
Eli Mendez - United Stations Radio Network
Bill Bennett - Lawo
Larry Deeds - Telos Alliance TV Solutions Group

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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By the Telos VX VoIP talkshow system. Now used by local and network television broadcasters to streamline workflows and provide perfect communication with remote crews.  And by the new Ruby console from Lawo. With AutoMix smart mixing and a context-sensitive user interface. See Lawo in your future at

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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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