TWiRT 248 - StereoTool with Hans van Zutphen
Friday, February 27, 2015 at 7:07PM

What would you think of an audio processor designed by someone with little prior knowledge of audio processing?  The very popular software audio processor, StereoTool, is designed and updated by Hans van Zutphen. Hans tells us how StereoTool got started, what portions of it are now in other major audio processors, and how radio enthusiasts are building their own audio processors for AM, FM, and Internet streaming.

Show links:
StereoTool web site
Marian Trace Alpha sound card
How to set up StereoTool for FM in 5 Minutes

Hans van Zutphen, Creator of StereoTool

Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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