TWiRT 216 - Cumulus NASH Tour with Zach Harper
Friday, June 13, 2014 at 10:41AM

Nationwide daily drivetime radio shows, plus a huge weekly countdown show are all eminating from a remodeled studio building in Nashville.  It’s the Cumulus NASH studios, home to American Country Countdown, America’s Morning Show, and Nash Nights.  Plus these state-of-the-art studios are built for multimedia production including video streaming and live concerts.  Cumulus Nashville IT Director and Engineer, Zach Harper, gives a tour to the Nashville SBE chapter, and we brought our video camera along!

Links from the show:
American Country Countdown
America’s Morning Show
Nash Nights

Zach Harper, IT Director & Engineer, Cumulus - Nashville

Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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