TWiRT 146 - Keith Smeal in the Eye of Sandy
Friday, November 30, 2012 at 11:20PM

Keith Smeal is Director of Technical Operations at Greater Media - New Jersey.  Keith and his engineering crew prepared for, then looked Hurricane Sandy right in the eye as she made landfall between two of Greater Media's radio stations.

Keith talks about preparing to stay on-air during and after the storm, plus which plans worked out and how preparations will be different next time.  

Tom Ray, VP of Engineering at Buckley Broadcasting, tells us more about his efforts to keep the legendary news & talk station, WOR, on the air during and after Sandy, as well.

See Verizon's underground cable vaults in Manhattan, as mentioned on the show.

Check out New York's Orange County Santa Net that Tom Ray brought to our attention.

Keith joins Tom Ray and Kirk Harnack for this episode, sponsored by the new Telos Hx6 talkshow system.



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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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